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Brandy Smile & Eve Angel - A Pussy Licking Treatment!
My hot blonde Hungarian girlfriend Brandy Smile has a pierced tongue that she knows how to use just right on a pussy, and my pretty little pink was really in need of some attention, so I was so happy to have her over today. Brandy is so clever with her hands though, and all she has to do is touch me and I get totally horny! If she gives me a massage, then forget it! I totally melt. When Brandy started stroking and licking my tits, I just couldn't wait for her pussy licking treatment, and when I finally got it, I was in orgasmic heaven! Well of course, you know I love to please and I made sure to return the favor with a big dildo in her tight juicy pi…
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2013.03.02 Sat l xx movie l Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) l top


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