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One of the most sought after pornstars is back!
Scenes Include Redefining Devon Devon has been out of the game for quite a while. She's found a great husband and her life couldn't be any better. However, everything starts to change when her past life comes back to haunt her. Once a pornstar, always a pornstar. Til Dick Do Us Part Episode 2 After re-awakening her inner pornstar, Devon decides to make a sex tape with a famous adult actor. Where will this road end? After cheating on her husband and rediscovering her passion for porn, when will Devon be satisfied? Til Dick Do Us Part Episode 3 Devon is at it again. After receiving a private invite to an exclusive "Adult Only" party, she goes on a little adventure. But did Devon bite off more than she can chew? Or is this party just what she needs to get back in the game? Til Dick Do Us Part Episode 4 After she finds out that someone told her husband about her desire to return to the porn industry Devon does a little research and finds out that Raylene is behind it. Time for some payback!
title unknown
2013.03.02 Sat l xx movie l Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) l top


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